Storage of Oil 

   Storage of Oil

   Storage of the oil in a hard to semi-hard form has advantages over
   trying to bottle the oil as a liquid into vials, some of which are:
   easier to meter dosage, not messy on hands and clothing, and greater
   recovery and final yield numbers since there is no loss due to stuff
   stuck on the sides and bottoms of equipment and containers.

   To produce a hard to semi-hard substance out of the oil, it needs to
   be put back on a quantity of the material that the oil was extracted

   After the material extraction using alcohol or pet. ether,
   the material is dried out completely, then rubbed over a fine mess
   silk-screen in a frame.  The dust which falls through the screen is
   what is used to re-absorb the oil, in a ratio of 1:1, that is, for
   every gram of oil left after the final evaporation, add one gram of
   the silk-screen dustings.  Mixing is more thorough if it is done
   over very low heat in the pyrex dish used for the final evaporation.
   Once thoroughly mixed, allow it to cool at room temperature for
   several hours, at which point the mixture should bunch up and stay
   compacted when pressed with the fingers.

   This hard oil, if vacumm packed and kept in the refrig. or freezer,
   will keep for several years with minimal degredation.