Basic Goo

    This takes off where the green goop recipe left off.  If you want
    the quick and easy method of making basic goo click here.

    Approximately 250 to 300 milliliters of everclear alcohol is added, 
    and the pot returned to low heat, to allow th goopy green stuff to 
    dissolve into the alcohol.  After the green goop is dissolved and 
    while still warm, the liquid is filtered through medium porosity 
    filter paper at least once, preferable twice.

    Filtered alcohol/oil mixture was measured for quantity amd an equal
    amount of distilled water is added to the mixture, then placed in 
    a seperatory funnel, and 100 ml of petroleum ether was added.  The 
    mixture is shaken well (DON"T FORGET TO OUTGAS THE FUNNEL 
    OCCASIONALLY) and allowed to settle into two distinct phases.  At this 
    point, it difficult if not impossible to find the seperation between 
    layers, so just play it by the numbers for now.  The top phase 
    (ether/oil) is what is desired, so the bottom phase (alcohol/junk) is 
    drained off to the quantity measured earlier.  the remaining ether/oil 
    solution (~100 ml) is saved in a beaker.

    The drained off alcohol/junk solution is returned to the seperatory 
    funnel, and the process of washing with petroleum ether is repeated 
    two more times, the ether/oil solution being saved each time.  By the 
    third wash, the seperation of the layers should be noticable, and the 
    entire bottom layer is drained off, and the top layer saved.  Don't 
    worry about pulling off exact milliliter amounts on the third wash... 
    go by the actual layer serperation.

    The ether was evaporated off over very low heat on the hoteplate, 
    leaving a dark green to brown oil as a residue...  THIS IS IT!!! -
    the basic goo.

    >> Quick and easy from scratch (the better the input material, the
        [~1/4 lb. material]         better the resulting oil will be!)

       - Grind material to a powder using a blender, then place in a one
         quart mason jar.
       - Place 500 ml of pet. ether in jar, seal firmly, and GENTLY
         shake once or twice.  Unscrew lid to release pressure. Repeat
         the shaking and pressure releasing a few more times until little
         or no pressure is heard when the lid is unscrewed.
       - Now shake the tightly sealed jar vigorously for 5 minutes, then
         seperate liquid from plant material using a coffee filter.  Save
         the liquid in a seperate container, and place the plant material
         back into mason jar.
       - Repeat with 150 ml of pet. ether - shaking for 5 minutes, then
         saving liquid, then repeat one more time with another 150 ml of
         pet. ether for a total of 3 extraction of the plant material.
         On the last extraction of the material, manually squeeze out as
         much liquid from the material as possible.
       - Place all of the collected liquid (pet.ether & oil) in a shallow
         pyrex baking dish, and place dish in front of fan positioned to
         exhaust the pet.ether fumes outdoors.  Before too long, what will
         be left in the pan will be 2 to 6 grams of a sticky resinous
         substance varying in color from green to brown... the basic goo.